Inside Wall Street Inside Wall Street
By Robert Sobel
2000/08 - Beard Books
1893122670 - Paperback - Reprint -  288 pp.

Publisher Comments

Category: Banking & Finance

This title is part of the Business Histories list.

Of Interest:

AMEX: A History of the American Stock Exchange

Black Monday: The Stock Market Catastrophe of October 19, 1987

The Big Board: A History of the New York Stock Market

The Curbstone Brokers: The Origins of the American Stock Exchange

Takeover: The New Wall Street Warriors: The Men, the Money, the Impact

A highly readable account that captures the atmosphere, excitement, and personalities of Wall Street for a century, 1877-1977. Focusing on new interest groups that arose to rival the traditional ones, it describes and analyzes the challenges that developed and how they were met. Robert Sobel puts the turmoil in perspective with capsule histories of the origins of the stock exchange, investment banking, and mutual funds.

From R.A. Sokolov, New York Times Book Review

"This concise, clear history...shows in dramatic detail the way the once-supreme New York Stock Exchange has declined under multiple attacks from economic forces beyond its control, from feistier, small exchanges and from its unofficial rivals with more aggressive methods..." 

Robert Nathen Sobel was a professor of business history at Hofstra University for more than forty years and held a Ph.D. from New York University. He is author of more than two dozen books on American economic and business history, including Herbert Hoover and the Onset of the Great Depression and Coolidge: An American Enigma. Besides producing books, articles, book reviews, scripts for television and audiotapes, he was a weekly columnist for Newsday from 1972 to 1988. In 1998, Sobel was the recipient of the second Special Achievement Sidewise Award for Alternate History for this book, which was republished in 1998.At the time of his death he was a contributing editor to Barron's magazine He died Wednesday, June 2, 1999 of brain cancer. Professor Sobel was 68. Sobel is a highly esteemed business historian. Sobel's purpose in any book he wrote was to help his reader learn from them.

Other Beard Books by Robert Sobel

1 187722
2 N.Y.S.E.--The Floor44
3 O-T-C67
4 N.Y.S.E.--Upstairs91
5 Research116
6 Options for the Amex140
7 S.E.C.164
8 The Investment Bankers193
9 Institutions217
10 Images242
  For Further Reading273

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