Lawyers in Society  
By Richard L. Abel and Philip S.C. Lewis
2005/10 - Beard Books 

Lawyers in Society: The Common World

Lawyers in Society: The Common World

Lawyers in Society: The Common World

Lawyers in Society: The Common World
1587982641 - Paperback - Reprint
Lawyers in Society: The Civil Law World
158798265X - Paperback - Reprint
Lawyers in Society: Comparative Theories
1587982668 - Paperback - Reprint 

Case studies of the legal profession in eleven civil law countries to lead to an understanding of the role of lawyers in a societal context.

Publisher Comments

Category: Litigation

This title is part of the Lawyering list.

Lawyers, of course, are central to all modern legal systems and, to a somewhat lesser extent, to societies in general. One of the most effective approaches to studying lawyers in a societal context is through an interdisciplinary examination of their activities. Just such a comparative approach is employed in this volume¾one of three¾by these same Editors and all reprinted by Beard Books, and which contains case studies of eleven civil law countries to illuminate the similarities and differences among them and between them and the common law professions. It contains a new comment by the Editors and an updated bibliography. These books offer an intellectual harvest for those interested in law and lawyers.

From Marc Galanter, University of Wisconsin:

This set of volumes is a quantum leap in our knowledge of lawyers. It will be the indispensable starting point for comparative study of lawyers and their role in the economic and political life of their societies.

Richard L. Abel is Connell Professor of Law at the University of California, Los Angeles. His most recent book on the legal profession is English Lawyers between Market and State: The Politics of Professionalism, published by Oxford University Press in 2003.

Philip S.C. Lewis is an Associate Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, Oxford, and Emeritus Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford. Photo from Centre for Socio-Legal Studies website


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